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Virginia Cider Association

About the Virginia Cider Association 

It is the mission of the Virginia Cider Association to provide connections, information, and market exposure to strengthen members’ businesses and support the Virginia Cider industry.

Activities are focused on educating the public about the qualities of craft cider, promoting the industry in Virginia and fostering cooperation within the industry for the mutual benefit of all producers.

The Association acts on behalf of its members in monitoring and influencing any changes to both state and federal statutory law that impact the cider industry. Furthermore, it coordinates educational and promotional programs with other regional entities that share similar goals, and organization, support and execution of Virginia Cider Week is a primary method for fostering these goals.

Board of Directors: 

Megan Hereford, President
Daring Wine & Cider Company

Amberlee Carlson, Vice President
Sage Bird Ciderworks 

Nikki West, Secretary
Ciders From Mars

Diane Kearns, Treasurer

Elle Correll